
As the song from Gilmore Girls says “So welcome to my little corner of the world”. It’s all about me and my crafting – focusing around my love for stitching and sewing along with anything else that catches my eye. So welcome, grab a coffee and happy reading.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

June TUSAL ORT report!

It was a new moon yesterday and thanks to on the ball bloggers I'm only a day late posting this! Each month Daffycat hosts the Totally useless Stitch A Long. you can find out more by clicking on the button in my side bar.

Ok so I've been fairly hopeless with keeping up with the ort reports these last couple of months. I've not done an ORT report in 3 months and would you believe this photo shows the extent of 3 months of stitching. There are some cottony bits in which are from where I've sewn my quilt, a bit of wool from a bunny and the rest show just how frugal I am with my threads or just how little stitching I've done which is nearer the case.

I know it is all my stitching orts as the pot only gets emptied when I do an ort report. Hopefully July's will be full of colourful threads as I have so many things to stitch for.

Hope you've all had a lovely weekend. xx


  1. Hapoy stitching for this month, I've seen less in an ORT jar this month! Lol

  2. Hello!

    I posted my tusal here:



  3. It's easy to forget to take a photo but your jar looks like it is filling p

  4. Sound like you are like me and stitch down to the very last centimetre of thread, one of the reasons I've not joined the TUSAL. The other one being that I'd forget

  5. I knit and keep all my odds ond ends to stuff the hello Kitty's I am making. Hope you get everything stitched you want to do Hugs


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