
As the song from Gilmore Girls says “So welcome to my little corner of the world”. It’s all about me and my crafting – focusing around my love for stitching and sewing along with anything else that catches my eye. So welcome, grab a coffee and happy reading.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Hexagon Quilt

Personally I blame Laura for my addiction to this now. It's been 3 days and I'm going down a very slippery slope.

Last night I sat and sewed together the start of my quilt. I loved doing it and I'm wondering already if I'll ever cross stitch again! so here is my quilt with the first 24 block sewn together. I'm so pleased with how it has come together so far, and I shall be making more hexagons tonight ready for another sewing session. I've just gone into the lounge to find my daughter cutting it up. So tonight I will be unpicking hexagons too. I think it is just one row. so you can get a good idea how it should be and also the damage she did.

I was a bit naughty today and I decided the 100 hexagons I have cut ready wasn't enough so I was in one of the sewing shops 5 mins after it opened buying scrap packs. I got 3 lovely ones and there were only a couple of scraps that were unsuitable but they just go in the box and the kids craft with them. The good thing about them is that there are fabrics that will look great in the quilt, but they wouldnt be the usual sort of thing I'd buy as a fat quarter, I think it's a great way to get a wide variety of colours and patterns.

If you fancy making a hexagon quilt then Laura has put a great tutorial on her blog.

Bye for now and happy crafting.
Kerry. x


  1. Looking great! So sorry about the bit you've got to unpick though :-( Lovely new fabric, that'll be great. And I did warn you it was addictive!!!

  2. oo! I should get online more!lol. No sooner had I read your previous post and started looking forward to seeing your quilt grow, I spotted this one! It is looking lovely (even with the little bit of 'help'!)The new fabrics are going to look very nice in it

  3. Oooo it's looking lovely! I can see it becoming very addictive though :-)


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