
As the song from Gilmore Girls says “So welcome to my little corner of the world”. It’s all about me and my crafting – focusing around my love for stitching and sewing along with anything else that catches my eye. So welcome, grab a coffee and happy reading.

Friday, 12 August 2011

urm, witty title, witty title, come on think girl...

well yesterday was a good stitching day with me getting in about 3 1/2 hrs on a popcorn design for the stitchlet exchange, the plan is to get it done over the weekend and post off to its recipient on Monday. I might get another pack of the flower charms today when I venture into town as one would work really well on the card. DS wants to spend the day at Nanny's so we'll be off over there later via town.

I 've also been doing some more mini biscornu to match the Earrings I made for Ann so I was pleased to get another 3 squares done yesterday - 5 to go including 2 on black aida in metallic thread , which are a challenge to stitch to say the least. When these mini biscornu are done they'll be made into necklaces and sent to the lovely Ann. I was very lucky and she sent me two blackwork books and some charts as she knows I have a passion for it. I've made some fantastic friends through Bubble.
As for future stitching plans - biscornu and bookmarks. I found a fab WOXS design library yesterday that has some very pretty designs that will work brilliantly for these items. As i'm redundant as of 4.30pm today, I have great plans for sorting out stitchy stash whilst I look for work. I really want to create a spreadsheet with all the WOXS design libraries and alphabets on as much as I love trawling through the mags to find charts, had I known the India themed library had such good charts in i'd have used them ages ago.

Well time is a ticking so I think it's time for a few chores before DS has her sleep. The mess makers have been working flat out in the last 24 hrs so time to reclaim the house for me before I get a bit of stitching in.
(chart from CrossStitchArts)


  1. Definitely housework .... WHENEVER!!

    Happy Friday


  2. wow..lovely stitching and count me in too..
    definately house work whenever..lol..
    hugs xx

  3. Loved the earrings, matching necklace's will be gorgeous :-) With you on the design library thing, I look through them and thing that's a good one then totally forget about it and it stays hidden in the mag. Sorry about you losing your job, just think, the up-side of redundancy is more stitching time, lol!

  4. Yep, whenever works for me!

    Sorry to hear about your job - hope something comes along soon!

  5. Thanks for the lovely comments everyone and for following my blog. as for the job it'll happen when it does and for now i'm concentrating on spending the summer with the kids.

  6. Sorry to hear about the job Kerry :( Hope you manage to find something else soon. Love the biscornu stitching, those mini ones are just gorgeous! And what a great idea to make necklaces! Laura x


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